
What is Milk Calcium?

a glass of milk

Milk calcium

is becoming an increasingly important source of calcium supplementation in the food industry. It offers a unique combination of minerals important for proper bone growth, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Sometimes called milk mineral complex or whey minerals,is a concentrated source of calcium and other minerals derived from milk.

Milk calcium is a natural and label-friendly ingredient that offers excellent purity, bland flavor and high bio-availability.
high calcium food

What is the important of Calcium?

Calcium is key in the building of new bone. And bone development occurs every day of your life. Your body naturally removes old bone and replaces it with new. Losing and growing bone differs depending on your age.

When you were young, you made much more bone than you lost, but the problems start when this balance tips too far in the other direction, and you start losing bone much faster than you can grow it.

Bone loss begins in adult and becomes more serious after age 50. Especially in women, the hormonal changes of menopause ,the drop in estrogen levels that occur with it can greatly worsen the imbalance. The bones naturally lose mass, becoming more brittle.

high calcium food
Because calcium isn't produced by your body, the amount you have depends on the foods you eat that is found in some foods, available as a dietary supplement and some medicines.
The body uses bone tissue as a reservoir for, and source of calcium, to maintain constant concentrations of calcium in blood, muscle, and intercellular fluids. Otherwise,Calcium is required for vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion.

Which food are high in Calcium?

Dairy products are a good source of easily absorbed calcium and include milk, cheese, yogurt and sour cream, salmon is high in calcium, as are most meats, and calcium is also in eggnog, spinach, peanuts and almonds.

Here's a chart showing how much calcium - measured in milligrams (mg) that you need based on your age.

calcium consumption chart




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